March Quarterly Meeting 2024
Robert L. Thompson will be at the March 10th meeting to discuss his new book, Pattern Brick Architecture of West Jersey. His book will be available for purchase, the price is $50.00. Location of the meeting will be at Friends Village, 1 Friends Dr., Woodstown, NJ 08098, time is 1:30 pm.
Robert L. Thompson has been active in the field of historic preservation since 1975. He is a founder and former Trustee (1977-1989) of the Morris County Trust for Historic Preservation, New Jersey’s first county-wide, private, non-profit historic preservation organization. He served two terms as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. During his employment by the Town of Dover Redevelopment Agency, he organized an ad hoc preservation committee to block the demolition of a significant local historic site, Stone Academy, a Town of Dover, NJ landmark. He was among the founders of Downtown New Jersey, an advocacy organization promoting downtown commercial revitalization on a state-wide basis, and served on the Board of Directors. He also served as an Advisory Board member for the Historic Religious Properties Program of the Philadelphia Historic Preservation Corporation. He was a gubernatorial appointee to the New Jersey Historic Site Council, which reviews and monitors publicly funded historic preservation activities and programs in the state.